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Q: What measure could the circumference of the earth be determined?
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What advance did Erasthenes make?

He determined the circumference of the earth.

How do you determine the circumference of the earth if you know a circumference of a smaller latitude and the number of degrees the latitude is from the equator?

You can use the relationship between the circumference of the Earth and the circumference of the smaller latitude to calculate the Earth's circumference. Multiply the circumference of the smaller latitude by the cosine of the latitude. This will give you the circumference of a circle at that latitude, which can then be used to estimate the Earth's circumference.

How can you put the word circumference in a sentence?

His prime objective was to measure a degree on the equator to calculate the circumference of the earth.Studies have shown there has been a large increase in waist circumference in young people.The earth's circumference was accurately measured around 240 BCE by Eeratosthenes.It isn't easy to measure the circumference of large items.

What is the perimeter of the earth?

The earth does not have a perimeter. The Perimeter is the distance around a circle. The earth is not a circle, but a sphere (sort of). The measurement around the earth is the circumference. Because the earth is not a perfect sphere, the circumference is different depending on whether you measure it horizontally (the equator) or vertically through the poles (Meridian).

What is the s ize of the planet earth?

To find how big is the earth in miles, you can measure the circumference about the equator. This is approximately 24,900 miles. However, the circumference about the poles is slightly smaller at 24,859 miles.

Why would the circumference of earth have been helpful to the Greeks?

The Greeks could learn that Greece is not as big as the circumference of the Earth. This would lead to new countries, like America.

Why would knowing the circumference of earth have been helpful to the greek?

The Greeks could learn that Greece is not as big as the circumference of the Earth. This would lead to new countries, like America.

WHAT IS the percent error between polar circumference of the earth and real circumference?

There is no error. The Earth is NOT a sphere, it is an oblate spheroid. This is caused by the fact that it is spinning. The spin makes the middle (the equator) bulge out. Thus if you measure the radius to the equator it is 6,378.1 km, while if you measure the radius to a pole it is 6,356.8 km.

Contribution of Al beruni?

1: He wrote the famous book "Qanoon Almasood". 2: He measured circumference of the Earth. 3: He determined the densities of the metals.

How do you measure the circumference of the earth?

The circumference of the Earth can be measured by using geometry and triangulation methods. One way is by measuring the distance between two points on the Earth's surface and then multiplying by the number of times that distance fits around the Earth's equator. This method, known as geodesy, has been used historically to determine the Earth's circumference.

Why would knowing the circumference the earth of the earth have been helpful to the Greeks?

The Greeks could learn that Greece is not as big as the circumference of the Earth. This would lead to new countries, like America.

How many times larger is the earth's circumference's than Luna?

The Earth's circumference is about 10 times larger than the Moon's circumference.