1 acre is 43560 square feet, so 1/4 acre is 10890 square feet.
One measurement which equals this is 121 feet x 90 feet. There are many other measurements which equal the same area.
43,560 square feet is equal to one acre.
one acre is equivalent to 4046.944557 square meter
It is an old English word meaning field.
1 Acre = 43560 ft2 to convert to mi2 divide by 52802 1 Acre = 0.0015625 mi2
In current usage, a rood is a measure of land area equal to a quarter of an acre.
None. Because "feet" are a measure of length and "acre" is a measure of area.However a "acre" contains 43560 "square feet".
43,560 square feet is equal to one acre.
Back in my day it was a quarter an acre.
quarter of an acre
A measure of land in India, varying from a third of an acre to an acre.
10,890 ft210,915
The answer depends on where in the world. I am sure that a quarter acre in the middle of the Sahara desert will be somewhat cheaper than a quarter acre in downtown Manhattan, or London or Tokyo!