Per capita.
Population density, the definition is the average number of people in one unit, but unit is commonly one square mile.
The [human] population density.
population density.
Sum of ages divided by the number of people or things whose ages you are trying to average.
Per capita.
The average number of people living in a square mile can vary greatly depending on the location, ranging from just a few individuals in rural areas to thousands in densely populated cities. In general, a square mile in a densely populated city may have tens of thousands of people living in it, while a rural area may have just a handful of residents. Similarly, the average number of people living in a square kilometer will depend on the country and its population density.
at least 200,00
The average number of people living in a square mile or kilometer is called the population density. The population of Florida is 19. 55 million people. The population density of Florida is 297. 3 people per square mile.
The population desity is currently about 33 persons per square mile,
this would be a very distorted average, as many people are overweight, but a healthy waist measurement for this height may be between 26" and 32"
Around 25% of the total poor people are living below poverty line in India and the stat may vary from time to time with economic upliftment of the average Indian people.
The total number of people living in a given area is called the population.