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Q: What method of contraception is 100 percent effective?
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Disadvantages in using artificial method in family planning?

The main disadvantage in using artificial family planning is the fact that no pharmaceutical method can be 100 percent effective. The only 100 percent effective method is abstinence.

What is the only 100 percent effective method of birth control?


Can you get pregnant if tubes are cut and clamped?

Yes. That is possible. No method of contraception is 100 % safe.

Does chlorine kill sperm cells?

Yes, chlorine is known to have a spermicidal effect and can kill sperm cells. It is not a recommended method of contraception, as it is not 100% effective and can also cause irritation to the genitals.

You got pregnant with your tubes being tied can you sue your doctor that did it?

No, because no method of contraception is 100% effective--people do get pregnant after tubals, just as men can occasionally get a woman pregnant after a vasectomy. It is rare, but it happens. Tubals are about 99.5% effective at preventing pregnancy:

Can you get pregnant while on nexplanon implant?

The contraceptive implant does not affect future fertility.

Why 70 percent alchohal is more effective than 100 percent?

100% alcohol is more effective because of the more alcohol concentration in the drink.

Which form of contraception helps to prevent HIV?

A method of contraception which helps prevents STI's is a condom. This is because the penis has no direct contact with the vagina. It does not prevent STI's 100% like abstinence does, but it is very effective.

Can you get pregnant with a comdon?

Yes - no contraception is 100% guaranteed. But nothing else protects against STI's as well, and if used properly they are very effective.

If 35000 is 8 percent what is 100 percent?

35000 = 8%. 43750= 100%. My method was 35000 divided by 2 times 25 to get 100%

How effective is the cervical cap?

They have low effectiveness. Withdrawal is more effective htan the cervical cap.Cervical cap is used to form a barrier to stop contraception. This form is not 100% effective, as there is still a chance a person could get pregnant.

What is the withdrawal or pull-out method of contraception?

Withdrawal is one of the oldest forms of contraception. It is very simple – the man pulls out of the woman before he discharge . With this method, you need to do it right every single time. Effectiveness: somewhat effective. But only if the guy pulls out every single time. With common use, only 78 out of every 100 individuals will manage to prevent pregnancy. Side effects: no hormones, no devices, no side effects. It is very inexpensive. Withdrawal is better than nothing and it is completely free. provides information about the withdrawal or pull-out method, how it works if it's effective, and the disadvantages. Also, how safe its withdrawal.