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The English base for agricultural areas has been acres, sections (about 1 sq, mi.) or square miles for ranches and large holdings.

Metric farms would be measured in hectares (about 5 acres, or 10,000 m2) or square kilometers (about .36 sq. mi.). Small garden plots might be in m2.

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Q: What metric measurement would you use for the area of a field?
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What metric measurement is used in measuring the total area of a town?

That would be square kilometers

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if you are after a metric measurement than millimetres^2

What metric unit would you use for a field?

Area is measured in square metres.

What metric unit would you use to mearsure a area of a field?

probably meters or kilometers, depending on the size of the field

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its a pre metric measurement of land area.

What is a metric square measure called?

A metric square measure is called a square meter (m²). It is the standard unit of area measurement in the metric system.

How much is a square meter in the metric system?

A square meter in the metric system is equal to the area of a square that measures one meter on each side. It is the primary unit of area measurement in the metric system.

How would i measure the area of my gym floor using the metric system?

Depending on your location, it might be difficult to come up with a meter stick or a tape measure that displays centimeters and meters. It's probably better to measure it in feet and inches and convert it to metric mathematically.

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It's (any force in metric units of force)/(any area in metric units of area). The most common one you'll encounter is given in units of Pascals. 1 Pascal = 1 newton/square meter

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I would use the metric unit is inches

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Are - A metric unit of area equal to 100 square meters (119.6 square yards).

What would be appropriate for the area of a soccer field that is 105 meters long and 67 meters wide?

The most appropriate form of measurement would be in metres, as kilometres would result in decimals.