The English base for agricultural areas has been acres, sections (about 1 sq, mi.) or square miles for ranches and large holdings.
Metric farms would be measured in hectares (about 5 acres, or 10,000 m2) or square kilometers (about .36 sq. mi.). Small garden plots might be in m2.
if you are after a metric measurement than millimetres^2
I would use the metric unit is inches
For just about any type of unit, different units are used between the English system and the SI (metric) system. In both systems, there are units for length, area, volume, mass, force, temperature, etc.
It must be a perimeter. An area measurement would a square measurement like 56cm². ■
That would be square kilometers
if you are after a metric measurement than millimetres^2
Area is measured in square metres.
probably meters or kilometers, depending on the size of the field
its a pre metric measurement of land area.
A metric square measure is called a square meter (m²). It is the standard unit of area measurement in the metric system.
A square meter in the metric system is equal to the area of a square that measures one meter on each side. It is the primary unit of area measurement in the metric system.
Depending on your location, it might be difficult to come up with a meter stick or a tape measure that displays centimeters and meters. It's probably better to measure it in feet and inches and convert it to metric mathematically.
It's (any force in metric units of force)/(any area in metric units of area). The most common one you'll encounter is given in units of Pascals. 1 Pascal = 1 newton/square meter
I would use the metric unit is inches
Are - A metric unit of area equal to 100 square meters (119.6 square yards).
The most appropriate form of measurement would be in metres, as kilometres would result in decimals.