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You would use kilometers.

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Q: What metric unit would you use to find the distance between two cities?
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What metric unit would you use for the distance between Athens and Leningrad?


What metric unit would be used to measure the distance between your ears?

I would assume that you would use cm or even mm if you wanted to be more accurate

What would you measure using kilometers?

Ex. the distance between two cities A kilometer is 1,000 meters

How do you measure find the distance between two cities?

If the cities are close to each other, then you can treat them as if they were on a plane surface and the distance between them would be the scaled-up version of the distance between them on a map. However, if the cities are further apart then you need to take account of the fact that they are on a spherical surface. To do this you need to identify the plane which is defined by the two cities and the centre of the earth. This plane will meet the surface of the earth in what is known as the great arc, and the distance between the two cities is measure along the great arc. Incidentally, this is why flights from London to Tokyo, for example, fly over the North pole.

What is the definition of distance mean in math?

There are many different ways to define distance, and these definitions lead to different metric spaces. Here are three examples that may help illustrate different ways of defining distances: The Euclidean distance between two points is the length of the straight line joining the two points. However, that definition does not work in the context of distant locations on the surface of a sphere - such as the earth. The straight line would usually require tunnelling through the earth. To find the shortest distance form London to Sidney, for example, you need to first establish the "great circle" which is a circle centred at the centre of the earth and passing through the two cities. The distance between the two cities in is the length of the minor arc of this great circle. Another metric was developed by Minkowski and known as the Manhattan or taxicab distance. This defines the distance between two points as the sum of the distances between them in the North-South direction and East West direction. The concept is based on the grid-like layout of downtown Manhattan and the metric represents the road distance between two locations (although it seems to ignore 1-way streets!). Each one of these is a different definition of distance - appropriate in some circumstances. There are many more possible definitions. In fact many graduates in pure mathematics will have done a course in metric spaces which examines different ways of defining "distance" and their implications on "measure".

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A kilometre would be the most appropriate unit.

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Since the US uses statute miles as a standard unit of distance, The distance between cities in Alabama would be expressed as miles.

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They share a common border, so there is no distance between them. You would have to specify cities to get a distance.

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meter meter

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