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Q: What might happen if a person goes on with a negative lifestyle?
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What might happen if a mutation occurs in a person's DNA?

The person might end up getting cancer.

What are some negative points on relationships?

First of all, you might be spending too much time with the person you are dating, and too much time away from your friends and family. A second negative point would be arguments. Also, most arguments happen because of misunderstanding the other person.

Why do negative thoughts cause negative behavior?

Well maybe that thought happened to them and they might think that it might happen again. Ex. Someone thinks that they got into a fight and then he/she might see a mean girl or boy and he/she might think that that boy or girl will fight them.

What would happen to a person in a vacuum?

toy might get hot in there because of the motor and you might die

What will Spending a lot of time with a person who is a pessimist might have a negative influence?

sense of self

What might happen if such a mutation occurred in persons DNA?

The person might end up getting cancer.

What happens when you swallow a chewing gum and What are the negative effects of it?

It might get stuck in your throat but I doubt that will happen if you drink some water

Why might a person who lead a healthy lifestyle develope a lifestyle disease?

You've obviously have NOT been leading a healthy lifestyle.... there are also other factors like heredity and some environmental factors like living in the mountains at high altitudes, or pollution, the latter is unlikely though.

What might happen to a person born without a thymus gland?

Their immune system would be compromised.

What is it called when a person thinks it won't happen to them?

That depends on the circumstances. The person might be confident, overconfident or stupid.

What would happen if one occipital lobe stopped working?

The person might have difficulty understanding what he or she is hearing or with strong and retrieving memories associated with the senses.

Spending a lot of time with a person who is a pessimist have a negative influence on your what?

This can have a negative influence on your own outlook and you might become more pessimistic. Or might affect your self-worth. You can also affect them by being more positive and maybe improve their outlook!