Apart from February, all months in the Gregorian calendar have 30 days: some have more.
11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.
All the months, except for February have at least 30 days. The months that have exactly 30 days are: April, June September, November.
April, June, September, November these months have 30 days.
All months have at least 30 days apart from February, if you want to know the months that have exactly 30 days, that would be September, April, June and November.
More than three months have 30 days in it. The months are April, June, August, and November. All other months (besides February) have 31 days in them.
11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.
All the months, except for February have at least 30 days. The months that have exactly 30 days are: April, June September, November.
April, June, September, November these months have 30 days.
The months that has 30 days are April, June, September and November.
Different months have a different number of days. (ex. 30 & 31) if you are using 30 days then it would be 2 months and 10 days.
All months have at least 30 days apart from February, if you want to know the months that have exactly 30 days, that would be September, April, June and November.
One month is about 30 days. 973/30=32.43 32.43 months=32 months and 13 days.
11. The question is not specifically asking how many months have "exactly" 30 days. 11 months have "at least" 30 days. There are four months that do have exactly 30 days, and there are at least five different versions of this riddle.
Assuming that there are 30 days in a month, you would calculate this by dividing 900 by 30, which would give you 30. Thus, there are 30 months in 900 days.
More than three months have 30 days in it. The months are April, June, August, and November. All other months (besides February) have 31 days in them.
Two months containing 30 days.
A month is approximately 30 days and 13870 days/30 days in a month is 462 1/3 or (462.3333333...) months as: 13870 days = 30 days -------------- --------- x months 1 month 13870/x = 30/1 13870/x = 30 x = 13870/30 x = 462 1/3