qooqueseline of peoplesandyssasansandsandyyoiunmtripenpoopostqesatquooquon
It is polite, it helps to maintain order in a civilized society, and it keeps the other polite, civilized people in line from beating the snot out of you.
Some call a line of people a "queue" (pron. kyew). Others just call it a line.
It is a transversal line that intersects other lines.
a line that intersect two other lines is transversar
you can you can buy any thing on line trust me meeting other people on line that you don't know just ask the do they have any thing to buy trust me do it and tell your friend
Yes it is her famous line in the movie Gone With the Wind! TRUST ME ON THAT!
the movie director has to direct and that means he has to tell people to do his commands like you stand where thet purple line is and the movie comes and there is no purple line so, he tells people to do his commands
I think the movie is Fight Club
A movie called "The Sixth Sense."
A line in a movie
Its a line that you wait in to go watch your movie or get your ticket at the movie theater.
"I see dead people."
'I'll see you again. This side or the other.'
The broken line on your side means you can cross over while the people in the other lane can't.
A tradition of trust