If you don't mind fractions and decimals, then there are an infinite number of pairs
whose product is 120.
If you only want to talk about whole numbers, then here are the possibilities:
1 x 120
2 x 60
3 x 40
4 x 30
5 x 24
6 x 20
8 x 15
10 x 12
and 8 more that look the same as those 8 but with all negative numbers.
120 multiplied by 60 multiplied by 100 is 720,000
25.60 multiplied by 120 = 307225.60 * 120 = 3072
120 multiplied by 120 is 14,400.
1,000 multiplied by 120 is 120,000.
120 multiplied by 30 is 3,600.
160 multiplied by 120 is 19,200.
125 x 120 = 15,000
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the tough math questions, huh? Alright, let me put on my thinking cap... 24 multiplied by 5 is 120. Boom, there you go. Math wizard right here.