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Divide the number of events that can happen a certain way by the number of all possible events.

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Q: What must you do to determine the probability of multiple independent events happening a certain way?
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How do you find the probability of multiple events?

The answer depends on whether or not the events are independent.

Definition of the Product rule in genetics?

The product rule states that the probability of two independent events occurring together is equal to the product of their individual probabilities. In genetics, the product rule is used to calculate the probability of inheriting multiple independent traits or alleles simultaneously from different parents.

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The probability will depend on how much you know and the extent of guessing.

How do probability work?

Probability are the odds of something happening but has multiple answers. Such as probability of getting a 5 in a fair dice would be 1 out of 6 because there are 6 numbers on a dice altogether, and ONE chance of getting a 5 from the total of 6. Therefore, the probability of getting a 5 or any number from a dice would be 1/6.

A multiple choice question has 5 choices if you gets 2 questions what is the probability of getting both correct?

Well they are independent events so it is the probability of getting a correct answer multiplied by the probability of getting a correct answer on the second question. Short Answer: 1/5 times 1/5=1/25

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What is the probability of rolling a five on one die times in a row?

Since there are 6 sides to the die, the probability of rolling a 5 on one roll is 1/6. Since each roll is an independent event the probability of the multiple results is the product of the probability of each result. So 2 consecutive 5's would occur with a probability of (1/6)(1/6) = 1/36

What is the probability of rolling a five on one die of three of three times in a row?

Since there are 6 sides to the die, the probability of rolling a 5 on one roll is 1/6. Since each roll is an independent event the probability of the multiple results is the product of the probability of each result. So 2 consecutive 5's would occur with a probability of (1/6)(1/6) = 1/36

What is the probability of getting a multiple of 5 when rolling 2 dice?

The probability is 7/36

If John throws 2 fair 6 sided die what is the probability he will get a multiple of 5?

John throws a fair 6-sided die. What is the probability he will get a multiple of 2?

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What is the probability a multiple of 5 on a fair die?

It is 1/6.