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If the solution, makes the denominator equal to zero, makes the expression of a logarithm or under a square root, a negative one. If there are more than one denominator, check all the solutions. Usually, we determine the extraneous solutions before we solve the equation.

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Q: What must you do to determine weather a soluion is an exraneous solution?
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You could watch TV on the weather channel to get a forecast. However, you can use a weather station to determine your current weather, careful though, some instruments are inaccurate. In order to get accurate measurements, always follow the instructions included with your weather station.

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The main elements that determine the weather of a place are temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed and direction, and atmospheric pressure. These elements interact with each other and with topography to create local weather patterns.

How does wind systems determine major weather pattern on earth?

Wind systems help distribute heat around the Earth, leading to the formation of major weather patterns. For example, the Coriolis effect influences wind direction and the formation of pressure systems which in turn affect weather patterns like hurricanes and monsoons. Jet streams also play a role in steering weather systems and influencing temperature changes.

What 2 things mainly determine weather?

God and God

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Sunshine, water and the Earth's rotation.