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Q: What name was given to people who boldly spoke out or wrote against slavery?
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What name was given to people black and white's who boldly spoke out or wrote against slavery?


What name was given to people who boldly spoke out or wrote again Slavery?


What is the name given to people who were against slavery in the south?

They were the abolitionists.

What name was given to people who were against slavery?

I don't know u tell me

What name was given to people who boldy spoke out against slavery?

They were called abolitionists.

What name was given to people who boldly spoke out against slavery?

There is a misunderstanding concerning the issue of slavery in the US in antebellum America and during the US Civil War. Speaking out boldly against slavery was never an issue. Anti-slavery groups were divided in two factions. Fr example, hen running for the Illinois senate seat held by Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln expressed his opposition to slavery. What this meant for Lincoln and many others who opposed slavery was that a plan for abolishing slavery would be needed. Lincoln favored a plan, much like England's that would compensate slave owners for the loss of their slaves. During the US Civil War, Lincoln created a number of compensation plans to free slaves in the border states that spanned in time several generations.Abolitionists, however, wanted slavery to be needed immediately if not sooner". They disregarded the social, political and economic consequences of an abrupt end of slavery.

Name given to people who wanted slavery out?


What is the term given to people that were for slavery?

Slave traders, slave drivers, owners... there isn't rly a specific name.

How did slavery affect the views that northerns and southerns had of each other?

As the debate intensified, both sides brought religion into it - the North declaring slavery to be a sin against humanity, the South identifying it as a perfect God-given arrangement of man and master.

What were the differences between the views of the northerners and the southerners on slavery?

Southern leaders were highly motivated to defend slavery because it was the mainstay of the vastly profitable cotton industry. As the slavery debate heated-up in the 1850's, they put pressure on church ministers to preach that slavery was a perfect God-given arrangement of master and man. This began to influence people who should have known better. Robert E. Lee declared that slavery was an evil which the Almighty would bring to an end when He saw fit. Lee cannot seriously have believed this. The North was not united against slavery by any means, but the Abolitionists were a powerful lobby, and they also encouraged preachers to denounce slavery as a sin against human beings created in the image of the Lord. It should be noted that the men in the ranks of the two armies in the Civil War mostly didn't care about slavery, one way or the other.

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The baker's purpose in writing the classification in The Plot Against People is a comic purpose given the satirical tone.

After fighting in the continental army James Armistead Lafayette was given?

He was given his freedom from slavery