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Q: What negative effect did the power loom have on the hand weaver?
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What is negative work done?

Hold your open hand at shoulder-height, and have your associate carefully place a bowling ball in your hand. Now allow the hand and bowling ball to descend slowly to the floor. Your hand has done 'negative work', equal to the (weight of the ball) times (distance it descended).

What is the difference between positive negative and neutral mutations?

the negative can make electricity but on the other hand if you have an uncharged battery you will get a equal, so if you have a positive you will get the opposite.

What if you have a negative plus a positive number?

Negatives and subtraction go hand - in - hand For Example, - 5 + 3 = - 2 could be also seen like this. 3 - 5 = = -2 Your answer will be negative if the number with the negative sign is bigger than the number with the positive term. If both numbers are negative then you add them up as normal numbers like positive and just put a negative before the total. - 5 - 5 = - 10 - 5 + (- 5) = -10

What is negative 10 plus x divided by negative 4 equals negative 15?

I take this to be: ( -10 + x )/(-4) = -15 To remove the denominator on the left-hand side, multiply by -4 on both sides: -10 + x = 60 To remove the -10 from the left-hand side, add 10 to both sides: x = 70

Is negative ten thirds greater than negative three?

No!Negative ten thirds is -3.33. So we are comparing between -3.33 and -3. On the number line, -3 is to the right hand side of -3.33. And as always, on the number line, a number on the right is ALWAYS greater than ANY number which is on its left.

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The negative effect was that they did not hire workers to do the job so a hand full of people did not have a job after the reaper was invented.

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Sigourney Weaver is right-handed.

What is the difference between inotropic and cronotropic effect?

An inotropic effect refers to the ability to alter the force of muscle contractions, such as in the heart. A positive inotropic effect increases contractility, while a negative inotropic effect decreases it. On the other hand, a chronotropic effect refers to the ability to alter the heart rate. A positive chronotropic effect increases heart rate, while a negative chronotropic effect decreases it.

How did looms work before the flying shuttle?

The weaver had to push the shuttle by hand, which was much slower.

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Alcohol typically has a negative effect on hand eye coordination. Some people already have bad hand eye coordination, and when adding alcohol, it makes it worse, which is why a cop will make you walk in a straight line if you are suspected of driving drunk.

What are the Effect of using computer?

Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

Turbine negative expansion and positive expansion?

Negative expansion in a turbine occurs when the turbine suffers from a loss of power output due to factors like fouling or damage. Positive expansion, on the other hand, would refer to the ideal scenario where a turbine operates efficiently and produces the expected power output.

How can the word intricate be used in a sentence?

The intricate design of the hand-woven rug was a testament to the weaver's skill and attention to detail.

Does writing on your hand effect you?

mentally, no.

What has the author Stanislaw Adam Zielinski written?

Stanislaw Adam Zielinski has written: 'Master weaver library' -- subject(s): Hand weaving