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Q: What negative result of being passive might occur?
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Which is warmer negative 5 degrees Celsius or negative 1 Celsius?

Negative 1 Celsius is warmer, or you might say, less cold!

When you add 2 negative integers is the sum positive or negative?

Negative. -2 + -3 = -5 You might be confused with multiplication, where the product is positive

Does Dijkstra's Algorithm work when there might be arcs with negative weights?

No, Dijkstra's algorithm can not be used when there are negative arc lengths. In Dijkstra's, the vertex that can be reached from the current set of labeled vertices and that of having the minimum weight among the alternatives is permanently labeled in that iteration. Since a negative arc weight would result in changing the label of a pre-permanently-labeled vertex, the algo collapses. Bellman's algorithm is used with negative arc lengths.

Will the sum of two integers always be negative?

No. For example, 2 + 3 = 5 which is positive, and 2 + (-2) = 0 which is neither positive nor negative. Well, that completely discredits my 4th grade math book that said any number that is not negative IS positive. Therefore, zero is by default a positive number. However, the sum of two negative integers will always be negative. Adding a negative integer decreases the value of the result and given that both integers are negative implies that the sum will be negative. "Implies"? you say. Do you have no conviction? Cannot you say 'determines' when it is obvious? "not obvious"? you say, Then does that mean the sum of 2 negative numbers MIGHT not be negative? See, this is what happens when a 5th grade question is answered by someone with superior attitude.

How are negative integers used in the real world?

Whenever you have two opposites, you can use positive number for one, and negative numbers for the other. For example: * Having money might be positive, owing money might be negative (owing money is worse than just having nothing). * Getting money might be a positive change; spending money (or otherwise losing it), a negative change. * Places above sea level might be assigned a positive altitude; places below sea level, a negative altitude. * If latitudes north of the equator are defined as positive, then latitudes south of the equator would be negative. Or the other way round.

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Write "The hammer might have struck him" in passive voice?

In passive voice, the sentence "The hammer might have struck him" is transformed by making the object of the active sentence (him) the subject of the passive sentence, using the appropriate form of the verb "to be" (in this case, "been") and the past participle of the main verb (struck). The modified sentence in passive voice is: "He might have been struck by the hammer." In this passive construction, the emphasis is on the receiver of the action (him), rather than the doer of the action (the hammer). The subject of the passive sentence (him) is now affected by the action of being struck by the hammer.

The hammer might have struck him change in to passive voice?

The hammer might have hit him to change into his passive voice.

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A negative effect is any result of an action which is perceived to be detrimental. This means its a subjective opinion. What might be negative to you may be positive to someone else.

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It might. You should see your doctor.

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it could be but it might be in the innate or adaptive immunity so you have about a 35 to 40% chance of being wrong or right

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A negative effect is any result of an action which is perceived to be detrimental. This means its a subjective opinion. What might be negative to you may be positive to someone else.

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My best guess would be post-traumatic stress disorder or dissociative disorder, both of which can result from a life-changing negative experience.

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Because ones the person knows his or her respiration is being measured he or she might try to either breath faster or slower to meet expected result, but which might not be helpful to obtaining an accurate result..

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No. Zero is neither positive nor negative. You might think of it as being neutral.

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