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Q: What negative significance does the forest begin to take on?
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What was the Katyn Forest massacre and what is its significance?

The Katyn Forest massacre was when the Soviets brutally mudured about 25,000 Polish officers and civilians during World War II, around April 1940. Its significance wah that i was easier for communists to take the control over Poland and install a communistic government after the end of WWII.

What kinds of negative effects might a tornado have on a ecosystem?

Tornadoes can destroy habitats. In some cases large sections of forest have been completely obliterated. It can take decades for a forest to recover from such damage.

How forest effect agriculture?

if forest are not there agriculture will not take place.

Can you take away a negative number from positive number?

yes if u take a negative from a positve you will get a negative

How many seeds do it take to plant a forest?

depends on the size of the forest!

What is an example of slogan about forest?

take care of forest and all of the rest

What are negative numbers?

Negative numbers are numbers that go below.say you have 3 and take away 4 that would take you to negative 1 .

What is the fourth layer in the rainforest?

The fourth layer of the rain forest is the, forest floor layer - It's very dark down here. Almost no plants grow in this area, as a result. Since hardly any sun reaches the forest floor things begin to decay quickly. A leaf that might take one year to decompose in a regular climate will disappear in 6 weeks.

Is take an positive or negative connotation?

it has a negative connotation, i believe

What is negative 6 take away 3?

negative 9

What forest did the character Rosalind take refuge in throughout William Shakespeare's As You Like It?

The Forest of Arden.

What will happen if you take care of your forest?

it will grow