

What nerve is number 5?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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11y ago

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Cranial nerve 5 is the trigeminal nerve.

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Q: What nerve is number 5?
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What is the nerve number for the trigeminal nerve?


What kind of nerve is the trigeminal nerve?

Cranial Nerve 5 (trigeminal), division V3 contains a buccal nerve, a lingual nerve and an inferior alveolar nerve.

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The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve, also known as cranial nerve X.

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The Vagus Nerve (Number 10 or X)

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It is not one of the cranial nerves (I-XII), it is cervical nerve number 6.

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The proper name is Mixed Spinal Nerve.They do not have individual names, however. They are referred to by their number, with number one just above the first rib and the 31st going through the foramen between sacral 4 & 5.

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he trochlear nerve (the fourth cranial nerve, also called the fourth nerve, IV) is a motor nerve (a "somatic efferent" nerve) that innervates a single muscle: thesuperior oblique muscle of the eye.The trochlear nerve is unique among the cranial nerves in several respects. It is the smallest nerve in terms of the number of axons it contains.

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X vagus nerve

Over 90 percent of all parasympathetic fibers are derived from what cranial nerve number?

X (Vagus Nerve)

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Do the dendrites of a nerve have large number of branches?

No they dont

How big is an nerve cell?

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