The largest number roman numeral that begins with the symbol "V" is "VIII" which represents the number 8.
Afraid is a synonym for scared. It begins with the letter a.
Letter S
In mathematics, the number zero (0) is the only number that begins with the letter "o." Zero is a unique number that represents the absence of quantity or value. It serves as the additive identity, meaning that when added to any number, the sum remains unchanged.
Million is a number. It begins with the letter m.
A Scottish river that begins with the letter C might include the River Clyde. The river Carron also begins with the letter C. There are a number of large rivers in Scotland.
Off-road racing is a sport that begins with the letter o. There are a number of off-road races including The Baja 1000.
A Scottish river that begins with the letter C might include the River Clyde. The river Carron also begins with the letter C. There are a number of large rivers in Scotland.
Annual is a period of time. It begins with the letter a.
Melodramatically is a 16 letter word. It begins with the letter me.
There is no continent that begins with the letter L.
Ambulance is a means of transportation. It begins with the letter A.