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times 2 plus 2 minus 1 repeated so it would be 15, 30, 32

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Q: What number best complete this number sequence 1 2 4 3 6 8 7 14 16?
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The 2 numbers in a row are multiplied, then you subtract one and that's the next number in the sequence. EG, 2x2 = 4 4-1=3 2x3=6 6-1=5 3x5=15 15-1=14 number sequence is 2, 2, 3, 5, 14

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the sequence of operations is: double the first number, add 2 then subtract 1.2 = 1 * 2;4 = 2 + 2;3 = 4 - 1;6 = 3 * 2;8 = 6 + 2;7 = 8 - 1;14 = 7 * 2;16 = 14 + 2;30 = 15 * 2;32 = 30 + 2;31 = 32 - 1;etc.

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What is the number which best completes the sequence 1 2 4 3 6 8 7 14 16?

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