I don't think there is such a number.
A 2 digit number divided by a four digit number, such as 2345, will leave the whole 2-digit number as a remainder. It cannot leave a remainder of 1.
it is 24, 24 divide by five is 4 with a remainder of four. 24 divided by 5= 4 =20 +4= 24
A lot of numbers divided by seven get a remainder of four. Well, eleven, eighteen, twenty-five, and thirty-two are some. This is a very broad question that can be answered many ways. The way to get the remainder of four is to find a multiple of seven and add four then you divide and the remainder is four.
I don't think there is such a number.
A 2 digit number divided by a four digit number, such as 2345, will leave the whole 2-digit number as a remainder. It cannot leave a remainder of 1.
You take 3x7+4=25 :)
16 divided by 4 is 4 so you can just and 1 to 16. 17 divided by 4= 4 remainder 1 or 4.25