the prime factorization of the number
Prime factorization is writing a composite number as a product of prime numbers.
Yes, by definition!
Yes. Composite numbers can be written as the product of prime factors.
As for example 98 as a product of its prime factors is: 2*7*7 = 98
the prime factorization of the number
Every composite number ... that is, one that is not a prime ... can be written as the product of two or more prime numbers. The primes themselves are the exceptions. A prime number is the product of only ' 1 ' and itself, and ' 1 ' is not considered a prime number.
the prime factorization
The product of two prime numbers is always a composite number, and it never is a prime number.
A number as a product of prime numbers would be "x".
A composite number is the product of two or more prime numbers.
Prime factorization is writing a composite number as a product of prime numbers.
Yes, by definition!
Yes. Composite numbers can be written as the product of prime factors.
It is simply the whole number written as the product of its prime factors.It is simply the whole number written as the product of its prime factors.It is simply the whole number written as the product of its prime factors.It is simply the whole number written as the product of its prime factors.
The product of any two numbers, neither of which is 1, is never a prime number.