Yes. 1820 is the smallest such number. 1820 = 20*91 1820 = 13*140
The number 1820 is one thousand eight hundred twenty. The year 1820 is "eighteen twenty."
The Roman numeral MDCCCXX represents the number 1820.
Maine became the 23rd state in March 1820.
To find out how old you are to this day (05/10/12), simply take the current date (2012) and subtract the original date (1820) from the original date. For this example, the answer comes out to be 192. Of course, if you were born in 1820, you would not be alive today.
Well, darling, h(40) = 1820 simply means that when you plug in 40 into the function h, you get an output of 1820. It's like putting ingredients into a recipe and getting a cake - 40 is the ingredient, and 1820 is the delicious cake that comes out. So, in this problem, h(40) = 1820 is just showing you the result of the function h when you input 40.
To calculate the number of 4-number combinations possible with 16 numbers, you would use the formula for combinations, which is nCr = n! / r!(n-r)!. In this case, n = 16 (the total number of numbers) and r = 4 (the number of numbers in each combination). Plugging these values into the formula, you would calculate 16C4 = 16! / 4!(16-4)! = 1820. Therefore, there are 1820 possible 4-number combinations with 16 numbers.
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The five states that contained a substantial number of slave-majority counties in 1820 were North Carolina, Mississippi, Maryland, Tennessee and Alabama. These were all considered to be in the south.
The phone number of the Omak Community Library is: 509-826-1820.