Other than 2, no prime numbers are even. So prime numbers can't end in even numbers. After 5, no prime number can end in 5. After 5, all prime numbers end in 1, 3, 7 or 9.
When all of the numbers are prime.
no because it has an "odd" number at the end of it. if it had a 2, 4, 6 ,8 at the end. then it would be prime
No prime numbers end in 0. 130 is a composite.
64 and 96 have the longest prime factorizations in that range. If you're asking about distinct prime factors, quite a few are tied with three.
There is only one prime factorization string for each number, so there is not a "longest" one. Since 239 is a prime number, its prime factorization is 239.
The prime factorization.
The prime factorization
The largest known prime number is 17,425,170, although technically, there is no largest possible prime number. To this day, mathematicians are still searching for higher prime numbers.
The longest factor string of any composite number is its prime factorization.
Other than 2, no prime numbers are even. So prime numbers can't end in even numbers. After 5, no prime number can end in 5. After 5, all prime numbers end in 1, 3, 7 or 9.
It is: 99,999 and its prime factors are 3, 41 and 271
When all the factors are prime.
All of the factors are prime.
What is the longest prime factorization of 50?
For composite numbers, only one string of factors is the longest; the prime factorization.
When each one of them is a prime.