XXIX is the number 29 in Roman numerals. XXIX (29).
XXIX = 29
29 = XXIX in roman numerals
The Roman numeral XXIX (not XX1X) represents the number 29
In Roman numerals it would be "XXIX, VI, MMXI"
XXIX is the number 29 in Roman numerals. XXIX (29).
XXIX = 29
29 = XXIX in roman numerals
The Roman numeral XXIX (not XX1X) represents the number 29
In todays modern usage of Roman numerals it is: XXIX-I-MMXIII
In Roman numerals it would be "XXIX, VI, MMXI"
Maius XXIX
Today we would write them out as: VIII-XXIX-MCMXCIII
36 I added a link to help you understand how to read Roman numerals.
29 = XXIX (XX= 20, IX = 9)
Under today's rules we write out the equivalent of 29 into Roman numerals as XXIX But under the Roman rules 29 was XXVIIII *By roman rules I assume you mean Roman Numerals. Romans wrote out 29 as XXIX, the same way they work today.