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Q: What number fraction or decimal is equivelant to 7?
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What is the equivelant fraction of 1.4?

1.4 = 7/5 = 1 2/5

What is 0.7 in fraction form?

To convert a decimal into a fraction, place a 1 under the decimal number (to represent a fraction), move the decimal point to the right of the decimal number and add as many zeroes to the bottom number as the number of places the decimal was moved on the top number. Reduce the fraction to its lowest term. Conversion of given decimal number: .7 (place a 1 underneath to make a fraction) ,7/1 (move the decimal point to the right of the decimal number and add that many zeroes to the bottom number) 7/10 (this fraction cannot be reduced so it is the answer) Other example: conversion of .375 .375 .375/1 375/1000 (now reduce the fraction t its lowest term) 3/8

Is 7 over 5 as a fraction a rational or irrational number as a decimal?

If the decimal number can be expressed as a fraction (with one whole number over another), then it is a rational decimal number. So 7/5 is a rational number, and remains as such even if expressed in decimal form (of 1.4).

How do you change the decimal number of 0.7 into a fraction form?

To change the decimal number of 0. 7 into a fraction form we need to divide it by 10. Thus the fraction form will become 7/10 (seven upon ten).

What is the fraction 7 over 6 as a decimal number?

7/6 = 1.1667

What is the fraction for Pi?

22/7 is the globally accepted fraction for the decimal number Pi.

What decimal number is equal to seven eights?

0.875 is the decimal equal to the fraction 7/8.

Can any fraction be written as a mixed number?

not just any fraction can be written as a mixed number because, for example, 5/7 you can't because if you divide 7 into 5 you get some decimal and a decimal can't be the numerator or denominator of a fraction.

What is 7 as a decimal fraction?

7 is an integer. It is not a fraction. There is, therefore, no sensible way to express it as a decimal fraction.

Write 7 8 fraction or mixed number as a decimal?

7/8 is just 7/8

How do you write 7 over 50 as a decimal?

7/50 = 0.14 To convert a fraction to a decimal divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number)

1.07 in fraction is what?

1.07 (decimal fraction) = 107/100 (improper fraction) = 1 7/100 (mixed number)