If you don't mind fractions and decimals, then there are an infinite list of numbers that do.
If you only want to see whole numbers, then ' 1 ' and ' 13 ' are the only ones that do.
Well 13 is a prime number so only 13 and 1
1/13 is the highest number
Nothing goes into 13 evenly other than 1 and 13, so that means it is a prime number.
13 does.
1 and 13.
Well 13 is a prime number so only 13 and 1
That number is 1.
1/13 is the highest number
Nothing goes into 13 evenly other than 1 and 13, so that means it is a prime number.
13 has only two factors which are itself and one because it is a prime number
1, 13, 169
It is: 1
13 does.
1 and 13.