The GCF is 16.
HCF(300, 144) = 12
The HCF is 5
To find out how many times 17 goes into 144, we divide 144 by 17. The result is approximately 8.47. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we must round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 17 goes into 144 approximately 8 times.
144 sq in = 1 sq ft ⇒ 160 sq in = 160 ÷ 144 sq ft = 11/9 sq ft ≈ 1.1 sq ft
160% x 90 = 144
LCM of 160 and 144 is 1440.
144 = 90% of 160 10% of 160 = 16 160 - 16 = 144
144 to solve this problem, multiply 160 by 0.90
The GCF is 16.
HCF(300, 144) = 12
That number is 1.
160 - 16 = 144
The HCF is 5
Make the lower number the same, so 15/16 = 150/160 and 9/10 = 144/160 so fifteen sixteenth is bigger, as 150 is 6 more than 144
what is the answer to this problem
The largest number that goes into 150, 160, and 255 is 5.