525 is one such number. You can add any number of thousands to it.
It is 7414
The number is 342.
619 has.
what number has 9 hundreds, 2 fewer tens than hundreds, and 2 fewer ones than hundreds
849 has 8 hundreds, 4 fewer tens than hundreds, and 5 more ones than tens.
The number has 1 thousand. It has 8 more hundreds than thousands so it has 8 more hundreds than 1. That is, it has 9 hundreds. It has 1 fewer tens than hundreds so it has 1 fewer tens than 9. That is, it has 8 tens.It has 2 fewer ones than tens so it has 2 fewer ones than 8. That is, it has 6 ones. So the number is 1986.
The number is 729.
525 is one such number. You can add any number of thousands to it.
It is 7414
The number is 342.
619 has.
The number is 8,413