The first such number is thousand.
But there are larger numbers such as quadrillionand quattuordecillion.
The correct spelling of the number 22,345 is twenty two thousand, three hundred and forty-five.
The English spelling of the number 50 is fifty.
twelve twelve
The spelling for the number 12 is "twelve."
Can you confirm the spelling of the check number?
The lowest number that has a C in its English spelling is "octillion" (1027).
The spelling of the number 50 is fifty.
The lowest number that has the letter P in its English spelling is "septillion" (1024).
by spelling patterns/rules, parts of speech, number of syllables, number of letters, by affixes
Yes, "ninety" is the correct spelling for the number 90.
The correct spelling of the number 22,345 is twenty two thousand, three hundred and forty-five.
T-W-E-N-T-Y is the correct spelling
That is the correct spelling of the word "third".
The English spelling of the number 50 is fifty.