dix-sept et sept
dix-huite et huite
dix-neuf et neuf
vignt-deux et deux
be creative
The number 55 in French is cinqante cinq.
the number 16 = seizein french
The number 80 in French is quatre-vingts.
The number 34 in French is trente-quatre.
The ordinal number premier in French corresponds to the English ordinal number "first".
l'Ours Pierre (sorry, it doesn't rhyme in French)
Some French words that rhyme with "triste" are "liste" (list), "piste" (track), and "criste" (crust).
In French, the word "brille" is pronounced as "bree." Some French words that rhyme with "brille" include "fille" (meaning girl), "grille" (meaning grill), and "famille" (meaning family). Rhyming in French is based on the sound of the word rather than the spelling, so words that end with the same sound will typically rhyme.
although they have a different number of syllables, they do rhyme
The French word for water is "l'eau (pronounced "lo" to rhyme with "go").
Honteux, couteux, douteux all rhyme with vaniteux.
'la mer' (fem.) is the sea in French.
It means- Rhyme
Its French equivalent, rimes embrassées refers to rhyme in poetry where the rhyme sequence follows that of ABBA.I have however searched for what we call this in English and it appears to be enclosed rhyme rather than embraced rhyme.
It's not a French rhyme, but I have translated it as 'Jacques et Jeanne'