The line over the letters tells you to multiply it by 1,000. C is 100, so CC is 200. 200*1,000=200,000.
two-hundred million
As a Roman numeral it is: (CC) which means 1000*200 = 200,000
200 million - 200 000 000 20 billion - 20 000 000 000
In Roman numerals, C represents 100C = 100CC = 200CCC = 300and so on
20 000 percent, which is 200.
The number 200 is already in numerals
a big number
It means 200. It is written as CC
The given Roman numeral of MCCX means 1000+200+10 = 1210
200 000 000
two-hundred million
400 000 000+3 000 000+200 000+20 000+5 000= your answer.
If you mean 56,200,000 then there are 200 thousands
As a Roman numeral it is: (CC) which means 1000*200 = 200,000
I need help?
200 million - 200 000 000 20 billion - 20 000 000 000