If that is LX then it represents 60, if it is IX it represents 9.
The Roman Numeral system did not have a way to represent zero.
The Roman numerals was the numerical system used in Ancient Rome and used a combination of letters, for example the Roman numeral VII would represent the numbers 5 and 1 and 1, adding the total of the numerals VII would represent the number seven.
The number 7.
The number corresponding to the Roman numeral CDLXIV is 464.
1,944im sure in my ans.
XL equals 40.
The Roman Numeral system did not have a way to represent zero.
The Roman numerals was the numerical system used in Ancient Rome and used a combination of letters, for example the Roman numeral VII would represent the numbers 5 and 1 and 1, adding the total of the numerals VII would represent the number seven.
The number 7.
The number corresponding to the Roman numeral CDLXIV is 464.
The Roman numeral LIII represents the number 53.
The Roman numeral 'L' stands for 50 and the Roman numeral 'I' stands for 1. Put them together as LI and you get 51. LII would be 52, etc.
The roman numeral CCXL represents the number 240.
The Roman numeral "CXXVI" represents the number 126.
Under the rules now governing the Roman numeral system MCMXXI is equivalent to 1921