1.8692% difference.
The number 265 is not a prime number as it can divide by 5 as well as itself and one
The prime factors of 265 are: 5 and 53.
Since it can be evenly divided by 5, 265 is a composite number.
Yes, it is.
Since you are changing the second number which is the aspect ratio the overall height of the 265/70 is going to 2.1 inches taller than the 265/60. That is quite a big difference and more than the 3% change most car manufactures allow.
52.381% difference.
1.8692% difference.
The number 265 is not a prime number as it can divide by 5 as well as itself and one
The difference between a hemi 265 and a hemi 245 is the horsepower. The 265 has a 218 @ 4,800 gross horsepower while the 245 has 165 @ 4,400 gross horsepower.
The prime factors of 265 are: 5 and 53.
Yes. the diameter will be a little less but it will still work. You won't notice much difference at all except for more responsive steering and less roll.
Yes. the diameter will be a little less but it will still work. You won't notice much difference at all except for more responsive steering and less roll.
Without you telling us the entire number, we can't say ! - Speed code is at end of the full number
Yes - The difference is the 70 is a lower profile or less height.
Since it can be evenly divided by 5, 265 is a composite number.