

What number is 5 less than 30?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What number is 5 less than 30?
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It is a ratio of 5:13

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The answer is 2. 2 goes into 30 15 times, so it is a factor of 30.

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Let x = the number Difference: 5 is less than a number: 5 < x 5 less than a number: x - 5 1234

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Either 30 or 15

A prime number less than thirty?

3, 5, 7, 11, etc. are all prime numbers that are less than 30.

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the # 6 and the # -5 are 30 less than their square root. 6^2 = 36 &gt; 36 - 6 = 30 -5^2 = 25 (because a negative times a negative = a positive)

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It is 30.

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All of those demanding criteria are met by the number 16 .