If 21 is a multiple of the number, the number cannot have 90 as a factor.
3 is the smallest number that is a factor 66 and a multiple of 3
2 is the only number is that both a factor of 2 and a multiple of 2.
Yes. Any number is both a multiple and a factor of itself.
10 is both a factor and a multiple of itself.
There is no such number, but switch it around. 16 is a multiple of 8 and a factor of 64.
16 is the only number that satisfies these conditions.
No. A multiple is larger than the starting number, 16 is not a factor of 100 either.
8, 16
Both 1 and 2 are factors of 16, but not multiples of 4.
A factor is what goes into a number, a multiple is what a number goes into. 3 is a factor of 9 27 is a multiple of 9.
No, 16 is a multiple of 4. 4 is a factor of 16.
No. A number cannot be both a factor and a multiple of another number. A number can be multiple and factor of itself, but nothing else.
No, 32 is a multiple of 16. 16 is a factor of 32.
They have a converse relationship. A factor is a number that divides into another, with no remainders. A multiple is something that can be multiplied by another number, to reach the original number that you had. Thus: Original number / a factor = a multiple Multiple * (the correct factor) = original number. "the correct factor", because most number have more than one factor. But only one factor * multiple will give the original number.