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Q: What number is at 3 o'clock on a dart broad?
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3 oclock

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What number is opposite 20 on a dart board?

Usually 3.

What does target at your twelve oclock mean in mw2?

It means right in front of you. When soldiers relate directions to the clock 3 oclock means right, 9 oclock means left 12 oclock means front, and 6 oclock means back.

Which side is 3 o'clock side driver side or passenger side?

Passenger side is 3 o-clock. for example ; 12 9 * 3 6 12 oclock is in front of you. 9 oclock is on the left hand (Drivers side) 6 oclock is in back of you (behind you) 3 oclock is on the right hand (Pass. Side)

How many hours is between 4 oclock and 7 oclock?

3 assuming they are both the same-am or pm

When is ethnicity more apparent?

daylight around 3 oclock.

How do you work out a 3 dart average?

the quick way is to add up the number od darts to finish the game (incuding 0 scores/missed doubles) then do this some: where: n is the number of darts thrown x is the 3 dart average. X = (501/n) * 3 eg (501/9)*3 = 167

How do you calculate the angle formed by the hands of the clock at 3 oclock 5 oclock 11 oclock?

get yourself a cartesian circle, or just look at one online and translate it from there 3,6,9, and 12 would all be 90 deg increments.

What number is 3 o'clock on dart board?

On most dartboards it is six (6), but some have concentric circles.

Need wiring diagram Ford L8000 to 7 point trailer?

working from memory at work. when you purchase the plug or socket they usualy have a diagram. looking at the socket on the truck....9 oclock left signal. 3 oclock right signal. 11 oclock tail lights. 7 oclock ground. 5 oclock electric brakes. center live power from battery ( campers) I dont use the 1 oclock plug at this time. hope this is helpfull. I used the package to do the first ones. we have 8 trucks wired this way to match the 3 floats we use.