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Zero is the only number that's its own opposite.

While 0 is technically not signed (it's neither positive nor negative), it meets the definition for being its own opposite because 0 + 0 = 0.

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Q: What number is its own opposite?
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What is the only real number that is its own opposite?

o is its own opposite because it doesnt have a poitive and negative counterpart. cha cha

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They are 0 which is its own additive opposite. 0 does not have a multiplicative opposite.

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0 is its own additive inverse. There is no multiplicative inverse for 0.

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It depends on what you mean by an opposite. Every real number has an additive opposite but 0 does not have a multiplicative opposite.

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The opposite of an even number is an odd number.

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In number Systems , the opposite of the number can be represented by changing and reversing the sign of the number.-2 is the number is the opposite of the number 2.

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The additive opposite of the additive opposite is the number itself. The multiplicative opposite of the multiplicative opposite is the number itself, unless the number was 0, in which case the first opposite is not defined.

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In number systems , the opposite of the number can be represented by changing and reversing the sign of the number. If 0.93 is the number then the opposite of the number would be -0.93

Does zero have an opposite?

Zero is it's own opposite

If 0 plus 0 equals 0 why is zero not its own opposite?

But it IS its own ADDITIVE opposite.

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On a die, the number opposite 4 is 3.

Is the opposite of a negative number is positive?

The additive opposite is, but not the multiplicative opposite.The additive opposite is, but not the multiplicative opposite.The additive opposite is, but not the multiplicative opposite.The additive opposite is, but not the multiplicative opposite.