An unkown number is greater than 456782 but less than 489211 the thousands digits is greater than 4 the ten thousands digit is not 6 or 7 give a range of numbers that the unknown number could be?
56. Tens digit is greater than 4 and less than 6 so it can only be 5, so the number is 5X. It is one less than the number whose digits sum to 12, so its digits sum to 12-1 = 11 → 5 + X = 11 → X = 11 - 5 = 6 → the number is 56.
The number that is greater than 12 but less than 40 and has exactly 3 digits is 13. This number fits the criteria because it is greater than 12 and less than 40, and it has three digits (1, 3, and 0). It is the smallest 3-digit number that meets the specified conditions.
No. .0123445553432 is far less than 100.
I am 87 .
'17' is a prime number. The sum of the digits is 1 + 7 = 8 > 7.
In this case, the number with more digits (to the LEFT of the decimal point) is the larger number.
The number is thirty-seven.
An unkown number is greater than 456782 but less than 489211 the thousands digits is greater than 4 the ten thousands digit is not 6 or 7 give a range of numbers that the unknown number could be?