The spacing is 6
so the missing number in the sequence is 13
Each part equals -19. 0-19=-19, 4-23=-19, 25-X=-19. This means 25+19=X, so the missing number is 25+19 which is 44.
The answer will depend on where in the sequence the missing number is:Using only quartic polynomials, the solutions are:3, 10, 25, 54, 10310, 11.75, 25, 54, 10310, 25, 33.8333..., 54, 10310, 25, 54, 84.25, 10310, 25, 54, 103, 178.Other functional forms will generate many more answers.
The missing numbers are 9 & 49.The sequence is 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7& 8x8.
This sequence is an interlace of two sequences: 13,17,21,25,29,33,..(each number 4 higher than the previous one) and 10, 15, 25,30,35(each number 5 more than the previous one). So the sequence continues 30,29,35,33,...
Each part equals -19. 0-19=-19, 4-23=-19, 25-X=-19. This means 25+19=X, so the missing number is 25+19 which is 44.
The answer will depend on where in the sequence the missing number is:Using only quartic polynomials, the solutions are:3, 10, 25, 54, 10310, 11.75, 25, 54, 10310, 25, 33.8333..., 54, 10310, 25, 54, 84.25, 10310, 25, 54, 103, 178.Other functional forms will generate many more answers.
9 (between 8 and 16).
The missing numbers are 9 & 49.The sequence is 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7& 8x8.
This sequence is an interlace of two sequences: 13,17,21,25,29,33,..(each number 4 higher than the previous one) and 10, 15, 25,30,35(each number 5 more than the previous one). So the sequence continues 30,29,35,33,...
They are 25 and 49
The amount between each number doubles. Between 16 and 19 = 3 Between 19 and 25 = 6 Between 25 and 37 = 12 Between 37 and 61 = 24 Therefore, the next in the sequence would be: 109
Ascending terms in the sequence are equal to 12, 32, 52, __, 92, and, for some reason, 102, not 112. Therefore, assuming the last term in the sequence to be 112 = 121, the fourth term in the sequence is 72 = 49.
The missing number is 18