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Q: What number is next in this sequence would complete this 2 -6 12 4 20?
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The sequence is decreasing by a factor of 5 each time, so the next number would be -2.

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The next number in the sequence would be 8. The sequence alternates between numbers from 1 to 5, and then increases by 7. Therefore, the pattern continues with the next number being 8.

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A signle number does not define a sequence uniquely and so the next number can be any number that you want it to be.A signle number does not define a sequence uniquely and so the next number can be any number that you want it to be.A signle number does not define a sequence uniquely and so the next number can be any number that you want it to be.A signle number does not define a sequence uniquely and so the next number can be any number that you want it to be.

What type of math did Fibonacci do?

Fibonacci found a way to present mathematical numbers so that each number in the sequence is the sum of the two previous numbers. For example, if the sequence starts at 0 and 1, then next number in the sequence is 1, the next number would be 2, and then the next number would be 3, and then 5.

The number that best complete the sequences 1 1 3 2 4 6 5 25?

The next number in the sequence is 27. To get the next number, double the number and add one. Except for the second number, all the numbers in the sequence follow this rule.

What is the next number in this sequence of 5 10 30 60 180?

I think that the next number in the sequence is 360.

What is the next number in the sequence 5 10 30 120?

The next number in the sequence is 480

What number comes next in the sequence -1 0 1 8?

You cant solve the next term (next number) in this sequence. You need more terms, because this is either a "quadratic sequence", or a "linear and quadratic sequence", and you need more terms than this to solve a "linear and quadratic sequence" and for this particular "quadratic sequence" you would need more terms to solve nth term, which would solve what the next number is. If this is homework, check with your teacher if he wrote the wrong sum.

How do you find the next number in a sequence?

It all depends on the sequence you are talking about. For example, the next number in the sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,_ would be 21. This would be the Fibonacci sequence as the rule is add the 2 previous terms to get the next term. Another example would be this: 11,121,1331,14641,______.The missing number is 161051, following the pattern of powers of 11, 11^1, 11^2, 11^3 and so on. If you understand what I am trying to say, it all depends on the sequence you are trying to find the number in.