CXL = 140
CXL = 140
Assuming you're relating the question to Roman numerals - CXL would be 140
In todays notation of Roman numerals: CXL.
The roman numeral for 142,800 I believe isC XL MMDCCC (there is a line above the CXL)
C = 100 and XL = 40 (10 less than 50) so 140 is CXL
CXL=140 and XXII=22 Therefore, CXL+XXII is CLXII which is 162. Hope that helped! ;D
The Roman numeral you have included is not a valid number. Generally speaking C is 100 and X = 10 so in the case of the number mentioned, it starts as XC = 90 (ten less than 100). Then comes L, which is 50 so we could get 140... but the right way to write 140 in Roman numberals is CXL not XCL. Then you add the D, which is 500. This number should definitely come at the front. Then you add V which is 5. Assuming the number you wanted to represent was 545 you would put: DCXLV not XCLDV.