The decimal number 68.45 is spelled or spoken "sixty-eight and forty-five hundredths." As US currency, it would be "sixty-eight dollars and forty-five cents."
If you mean sixty-eight billion and forty-five thousandths, then it'd be 68,000,000,000.045. If you mean sixty-eight billion forty-five thousands, then it'd be 68,000,045,000.
16.25 is 65% of 25.
65 is 43% of 151.16
Cincuenta y cinco is the number 55 (fifty-five).
The decimal number 68.45 is spelled or spoken "sixty-eight and forty-five hundredths." As US currency, it would be "sixty-eight dollars and forty-five cents."
If you mean sixty-eight billion and forty-five thousandths, then it'd be 68,000,000,000.045. If you mean sixty-eight billion forty-five thousands, then it'd be 68,000,045,000.
It is nine hundred sixty-five thousand, forty.
965,040 = Nine hundred and sixty-five thousand and forty.
The correct spelling is: Forty-seven and sixty-five hundredths.