2 hundred and 98
Three hundred and five (305) It is 55 more than 250 and 55 less than 360.
Less than 345+253=598 598<600
2 hundred and 98
Three hundred and five (305) It is 55 more than 250 and 55 less than 360.
Less than 345+253=598 598<600
112 is less than 150 & is divisible by 8 ( 14 ).
301 - 6 = 295
less. One hundred and something is always less than three hundred and something.
It is: 20,000 -100 = 19,900
The number that is five less than three hundred and two is 297. This is because you subtract 5 from 302 to get the result. In mathematical terms, the equation would be 302 - 5 = 297.
Four less than a number and three is the number less one.