The number is 1.
47 x 53 = 2491
To convert the mixed number 8 and 5/6 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (8) by the denominator of the fraction (6) and add the numerator (5) to get 53. The denominator remains the same, so the improper fraction is 53/6.
The smallest prime number greater than 50 is 53.
52 × 53 = 2756
The number is 1.
"6 thousand" = 6000"53 hundred" = 5300, (53 * 100 = 5300)6000 > 5300
23 x 53 = 1000
53 ÷ 8 = 6 5/8
The product of 6 is the result you get when you multiply any other number by 6
47 x 53 = 2491
The "product" is when you multiply things together, so the product would be 6 x "a number"
Let the number be A. 6 x 9 x A = product. Product = 36A (36 x A)
The smallest prime number greater than 50 is 53.