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Q: What number is this L XXXVIII translated?
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What is 38 in Roman numerals?

XXXVIII is the number 38 in Roman numerals.

What is the Roman number XXXVIII?

iT IS 38

What is the number 38 in roman numerals?

It is: XXXVIII = 38

What is the number of this roman numeral XXXVIII?

it is thirty eight. 38

How do you write the number 38 in letters?

What kind of letters?thirty-eight or XXXVIII

How do you write 38 in roman numbers?

38 in Roman numerals is written as XXXVIII.

What is the roman numeral for Xxxviii?

X = 10 and XXX = 30. V = 5 and I = 1 so VIII = 8 (5 + 3), so XXXVIII equals 38.It is already a Roman number which stands for 38 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

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The word 'number' when translated to Indonesia is nomor.

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XXXVLLL is the Roman numeral for which number?

No such number, or the Roman Numeral is incorrectly written. Reason 'L' is a Roman numeral for '50' The rukle is that the larger value numerals ALWAYS go to the left. However, if you mean ' XXXVIII' Note it is a Capital Letter 'I' , NOT an 'L'. XXXVIII is 38 The table of Roman Numerals ia M = 1000 D = 500 C = 100 L = 50 X = 10 V = 5 I = 1 (NOT 'L' = 1'.) These numerals are always written with the highest value letter to the left. The exception is that a lower value letter to the left of a highert value letter means subtract. Multiples of the same letter means the given values plus the same given value. Hence XXX = 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 V = 5 III = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 Then adding 30 + 5 + 3 = 38 the answer. !!!!! NB However the years 2024 is written MMXXIV, that is 1000 + 1000 + 10 + 10 + ( 5 - 1 = 4) = 2024.

Who was the MVP of Super Bowl XXXVIII?

Quarterback Tom Brady of the New England Patriots was named MVP of Super Bowl XXXVIII.

What is the Roman Numeral of 38?