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45. When it is squared the total is 2025.

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Q: What number squared is closest in to 2000?
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What is the closest square number to 5000?

70 squared (4900) * * * * * 71 squared = 5041 is closer.

What number squared is closest to 2000?

Do you mean, what integer? Then, the answer is 45. 45² = 2,025, which is just a little bit over. On the other hand, 44² = 1,936, which is not quite enough. But 2,025 is nearer to 2,000 than is 1,936. If you mean, what decimal number, then there is no closest answer: for any answer you choose, there exists another one that is closer!

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The square root of 118 is not a whole number - the closest square number to 118 is 121 - which is 11 squared.

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82 is not the square of an integer. The closest square number of an integer is 81, which is equal to 9 squared.

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The square root of 175 is 13.23 (2 decimal places) so it is not a perfect square number. The closest perfect squares are 169 (13 squared) and 196 (14 squared).

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It is b*b

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A number squared means that the number is multiplied by itself.