The square root of 118 is not a whole number - the closest square number to 118 is 121 - which is 11 squared.
The square root of 175 is 13.23 (2 decimal places) so it is not a perfect square number. The closest perfect squares are 169 (13 squared) and 196 (14 squared). its not a square number because the closest square number is 5 which results in 52 = 25, and therefore you cannot get the perfect square of 24. no
A number squared means that the number is multiplied by itself.
The square root of 89 is approximately 9.4 so 9 and 10 are the closest whole numbers. You could also notice that 9 squared is 81 and 10 squared is 100 which are the closest perfect squares to 81.
70 squared (4900) * * * * * 71 squared = 5041 is closer.
The square root of 118 is not a whole number - the closest square number to 118 is 121 - which is 11 squared.
Do you mean, what integer? Then, the answer is 45. 45² = 2,025, which is just a little bit over. On the other hand, 44² = 1,936, which is not quite enough. But 2,025 is nearer to 2,000 than is 1,936. If you mean, what decimal number, then there is no closest answer: for any answer you choose, there exists another one that is closer!
82 is not the square of an integer. The closest square number of an integer is 81, which is equal to 9 squared.
The closest square number to 50 is 49, which is equal to 7 squared (7 x 7). To find the closest square number to a given number, you can simply take the square root of the number and round it to the nearest whole number. In this case, the square root of 50 is approximately 7.07, and the closest square number is 49.
The square root of 175 is 13.23 (2 decimal places) so it is not a perfect square number. The closest perfect squares are 169 (13 squared) and 196 (14 squared). its not a square number because the closest square number is 5 which results in 52 = 25, and therefore you cannot get the perfect square of 24. no
it is the cylinder closest to the front of the vehicle and also the closest to the passenger side of the vehicle
It is b*b
A number squared means that the number is multiplied by itself.