Any number times 0 is zero.
To determine how many times 12 can go into 940, you would perform a division operation. Divide 940 by 12, which equals 78.33 recurring. Therefore, 12 can go into 940 approximately 78 times with a remainder of 4.
15 and -4
It is: 78*4 = 312
315/4 = 78 3/4 = 78.75
To solve the equation "4x = 78" for x, you would divide both sides by 4. This gives you x = 78 ÷ 4, which simplifies to x = 19.5. Therefore, the value of x that satisfies the equation "4 times x equals 78" is 19.5.
Any number times 0 is zero.
It is: 2.35 times 4 = 9.4
To find the number that, when multiplied by 4, equals 48, you would divide 48 by 4. 48 divided by 4 equals 12, so the number you are looking for is 12.
15 and -4
Four times a number x equals 4x.
It is: 78*4 = 312
It is 4.