196 divided by 3 = 65.333' (or 65 1/3) If you are after a whole number as an answer, then no, 196 is not divisible by 3.
No. 196 divided by 8 is 24.5. You would have to have 198 or 194 flags.
Any number that is a multiple of 196 can be divided by 196 without a remainder. In other words, any number that can be expressed as 196 multiplied by an integer (such as 196, 392, 588, etc.) is divisible by 196. This is because division is essentially the process of finding how many times one number (the divisor) can fit into another number (the dividend) without any remainder.
196 divided by 3 = 65.333' (or 65 1/3) If you are after a whole number as an answer, then no, 196 is not divisible by 3.
Any number can be multiplied by any other number - I suspect you mean divided by any number - in which case, no - 196/8 = 24.5.
No. 196 divided by 8 is 24.5. You would have to have 198 or 194 flags.
Well, sure. Any nonzero number is divisible by any other. The answer won't be a whole number as it would be if you divided 196 by 2. In this case the answer is 0.0102