No because 23 is a prime number and so 23/24 is in its lowest terms
To figure out the percentage you would use this number sentence 21/24*100= 87.5 Answer 87.5%
Since the numerator is a prime number, it is impossible to reduce 17/24 into a simpler form.
no that's as low as it can go because 17 is a prime number
The percentage of 24 would depend on the context or what it is being compared to. If you are asking for the percentage of 24 out of 100, then it would be 24%. However, if you are asking for the percentage that 24 represents out of a larger number, then it would be calculated in relation to that number.
No because 23 is a prime number and so 23/24 is in its lowest terms
To figure out the percentage you would use this number sentence 21/24*100= 87.5 Answer 87.5%
It's a way to reduce fractions. If you wanted to reduce 20/24 and you knew that the GCF of 20 and 24 was 4, you would divide 20 and 24 by 4 and get 5 and 6. 20/24 = 5/6
24% Convert into a decimal number .24 Convert into a fraction. 24/100 Reduce. 6/25
Since the numerator is a prime number, it is impossible to reduce 17/24 into a simpler form.
no that's as low as it can go because 17 is a prime number
The percentage of 24 would depend on the context or what it is being compared to. If you are asking for the percentage of 24 out of 100, then it would be 24%. However, if you are asking for the percentage that 24 represents out of a larger number, then it would be calculated in relation to that number.
His number is 24 and he plays on the Los Angeles Lakers
Both 9 and 24 are divisible by three, so 9/24 would reduce to 3/8.
If the number can evenly divided both 3 and 8 then the number is divisible by 24. (Note: Use the divisibility rules for 3 and 11)Use the 24 times table:1 x 24 = 242 x 24 = 483 x 24 = 72and so on as far as you like.