The numbers that are divisible by 118 are infinite. Four of them are: 118, 236, 354, 472.Itself and any of its multiples
No, it is not.
No, but it will leave a remainder if divided.
All numbers are divisible by 1.
The numbers that are divisible by 118 are infinite. Four of them are: 118, 236, 354, 472.Itself and any of its multiples
numbers which are divisible by 236:236, 472, 708, 944, 1180,...just multiply 236 by 2, 3, 4, 5, ... to get those numbers which are divisible by 236.
No, it is not.
Yes. 472 divided by 8 is 59.
An infinite number. Some of them are 118, 236, 354, 472, 590, 708 . . .
No, but it will leave a remainder if divided.
All numbers are divisible by 1.
Prime numbers are divisible because any numbers that are divisible are prime. If a number isn't divisible, it isn't prime. Prime numbers have to be divisible by at least one pair of numbers to be prime.
All whole numbers are divisible. If you mean divisible by numbers other than 1 and themselves, the answer is the set of composite numbers.